vendredi 29 janvier 2010


7 commentaires:

Roland MacDonald a dit…

Lovely drawings. Made me smile this morning

Anonyme a dit…

Salut Clochette! Lovely work as usual ! You goin to Angoulême this weekend? ;)

Thomas Schwanke a dit…

Wonderful sketches, Clo!

Clo a dit…

Roland : Thank you! :)
Martin : Thanks! No i don't :( I have some work to finish and not much money! ^^ I hope I'll go next year!
Thomas : Thank you Thomas! :)

Unknown a dit…

Ce mélange de bleu et d'encre, j'aime, c'est vraiment très chouette à voir !

Unknown a dit…

Very beautiful! What size is your sketch book?

Clo a dit…

Ideo : Merci! ^^
Chris Fowler : Thank you! The 2 first are in a A4 sketchbook, and the last one is in a A5 one. :} I usually draw in these two formats.