Just took a little break from work to draw something for fun. I was inspired byhttp://awkwardfamilyphotos.com (there is so much crazy faces over there haha)
The final is a bit different from my usual style, I tried to experiment...
This photo is aclassic I myself did use the lady character for a puppet animation at our school. here are the sketches: http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_4y-tpdoXEa0/Sy42BvWPUSI/AAAAAAAABvk/MCSNrkTr_K8/s1600-h/agnes.jpg and a pretty bad photo of a sculpted head http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_4y-tpdoXEa0/Sy42B8mzs5I/AAAAAAAABvs/hPk7Nn3J0Ek/s1600-h/IMG_1056.JPG
19 commentaires:
adorable xD
That's hilarious! I love it!
hahaha this is really funny! i laughed out loud seriously x
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From Catwalk to Classroom.
Quelle magnifique famille…
Et quelle succulente référence !
je crois que je vais passer ma matinée sur ce site
[ o _o]
En fait,
je crois que je vais un peu vomir !
mais c'est excellent tout de même…
Pas mal pas mal ... Je ne connaissais pas....
I love this! Thanks for posting the various stages, including the photograph. I really like your take on it. :)
This photo is aclassic I myself did use the lady character for a puppet animation at our school.
here are the sketches:
and a pretty bad photo of a sculpted head http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_4y-tpdoXEa0/Sy42B8mzs5I/AAAAAAAABvs/hPk7Nn3J0Ek/s1600-h/IMG_1056.JPG
Nice drawing by the way!
Mais c'est genial, Clo!! J'adore le look 'retro' =)
J'ai découvert ce site il y a quelques mois, il est vraiment excellent !!
Ton illustration est cOol :)
Fantastic blog!!! thanks for inspiration !!! and thank you for visitin my blog!!! ^___^
Thanks everyone!
Hahahah this is hilarious! I think you have the dad nailed ;D
This is very much inspirational.xD Should try it sometimes
You really captured these guys. Great image!
I love it! you captured and embellished this suburban family photo perfectly. really nice blog
Hey! This is my family! I'm the little blond kid. :) Love the drawings. Xoxo
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