jeudi 16 février 2012

The way to a boy's heart

... is to bake him some biscuits with love!

A gift for my Valentine

clic for full size

5 commentaires:

Vela a dit…

absolutely adorable. I've always tried to give my cookies personality with the decorating, but not this way. xD

Orbital Shrimp a dit…

Hey. It's great that there is still some place to see you're very active. No more posts on CA but at least I can lurk here once in while :)

The biscuits look delicious :)

Annie a dit…

Héhé !! nostalgie des petites gaufrettes de l'enfance ?? =) en tout cas, Mr Nico a dû être très content de ce cadeau "maison". C'est très beau et ça devait être bon aussi. Bravo Valentine !!

Clo a dit…

Vela Noble : Hehehe! :)
Oh hai Farvus! Glad you visited!
Annie : Voui! :)

kalonji a dit…

yumie ^^!!!